Do LinkedIn Users Have a Real Network or Just a Collection of Connections?

1 min readFeb 8, 2024


Linkedin is not for “collecting connections”, but for finding “trusted and resourceful connections”.

Consider that Person A has 100 useful connections and Person B has 500 random connections. At first glance, anyone would think that the latter one has a better network. But do they really do? Absolutely not!

Just think about why it’s good to have a professional network. It helps us to build a web of contacts who we can rely on in professional situations. Perhaps for a recommendation or maybe we need an introduction.

Now, what if people ask themselves if these things can be done for them by their connections when they do not actually know anything about them? Will they be able to rely on them to tout the person’s skills or help them in any way other than making them look very popular on social media?

Probably not.

It sounds rough, but the reality is that the person knows nothing about these people, and the connections don’t know anything about the person.

They might have a large network, but at the end of the day having a strong network is what that matters.




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